Month: May 2023

Rahl to start in Dublin

Neil Powell has selected two youngsters in his squad for the game against Leinster. Corne Rahl will start at 4 lock, while Nevaldo Floors is on the bench. Marius Potgieter moves to wing in place of Werner Kok (presumed injured?). James Venter will replace Siya Kolisi as open side flank. Boeta Chamberlain will want to dictate from 10 with Aphelele Fassi starting at full back.


Plum is back

John Plumtree will rejoin the Sharks to coach the senior team starting on the 1st of July. He will be joined by Dave Williams as an assistant coach (previous with the Sharks from 2019 to about 2021).

It will be interesting to see how the dynamic between Powell and Plumtree (who in 15’s is really the more senior of the two) will work out.

Hopefully Plum can get the Sharks on track to reach the full potential of players in the squad.